Hello from the OC Childhood Language Center

As summer is right around the corner our Chap-man student clinicians are back in the Center helping the children of Santa Ana overcome their speech and language challenges. With each change of Semester at Chapman University we receive a new group of student clinicians who are eager to start helping children and families. To ensure we provide the best services possible we always have a fully licensed Speech Language Pathologist in the center to supervise the daily activities and help chart the best course of therapy.
Our Orange County Valley is keeping up a long Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction tradition of helping our community by providing a childhood language center. There is a huge list of Scottish Rite Centers helping children throughout all the states in the Southern Jurisdiction.
Some states like Alabama & Mississippi are focused on helping children with dyslexia and many states are focused on speech language therapy like the state of California.
There are a wide variety of names being used with most Centers using some version of Language Center or Learning Center all under the RiteCare umbrella. I know that I’m very proud of the Members in the OC Valley for the strong support they give to the Orange County
Childhood Language Center (OCCLC). By providing free therapy to these children we are changing their lives and opening up a new world of possibilities.
Recently the Board of Directories for our CLC celebrated a long-awaited milestone by accumulating 60 months of operating reserves in our investment account that is managed by the California Scottish Rite Foundation. Brother Frankie Rosario 32° KCCH established this goal dur-ing his years of Presidency and he continued to help us achieve this great accomplishment as the PR. This means that our CLC will have the financial sta-bility to survive long into the future through good years and bad.

As you may know the CLC is looking for a new home because the building on French street is up for sale. This means the Scottish Rite Office and the CLC will need to move soon. We are trying to find an office space that we can share and still be located in Santa Ana. A Realtor is helping us to review of-fice space that is for lease and we are currently pursuing some strong leads.
Save the Date!
Saturday September 7 is the date for the Gala Fundraising Dinner to benefit the Orange County Childhood Language Center. This year we have selected the Highway 39 Event Venue in Anaheim with its classic car collection to host our event. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there. More information will be available soon!

Sincerely yours, David Frias, 32° President, OC CLC Board of Directors