Knights and brothers. I want to welcome our newest Knight of our order. Brother Sir Andrew Todd 32°. He was Knighted during our last stated dinner. Special thanks to Venerable James Cervantes, 32° and Brother James Segerstrom, 32° for their assistance in the ceremony.
Monday, March 4th at 5:45pm we will have our next meeting. I strongly encourage all current Knights as well as perspective Knights to attend.

For any one not familiar with the KSA. It’s the working arm of the valley. The “Black hat brigade”, as I call it. We take an obligation to support the valley in all its functions. Examples may be reunion weekends and super breakfasts. It’s a good and positive way for a black hat to be recognized for his hard work. Not to mention brotherly love and affection, as well as some awesome swag. If any Brother has input of any kind — including questions — please contact me at shawnmccuen66@gmail.com, or (714)335-8941. Warmest regards and brotherly love.
Shawn McCuen, 32° KSA
First Knight
Orange County Knights of St. Andrew